Trailrunning in North Brabant
You don't need to speak Dutch to enjoy trailrunning together! So do you like running in nature? Check this website, use Google Translate if necessary, and feel free to contact us at

Social Trails
Do you like running together? Or do you want to join us exploring the Brabant nature? Social trails are free to join. You will find the date, time and start location of the next social trails on the page 'social trails'.

Hill Repeat Monday
Trailrunners like hills, and we have the perfect one: het Dak van Brabant (the Roof of Brabant) at Gulbergen estate in Nuenen. Every monday night we run the paths, and everyone can join us. The meeting point is here, at 20.00h we start running. Don't forget to bring your headlight!

Do you want to participate in trailrunning events or races? The calender shows all events and races in North Brabant, you can sort or filter by date and distance yourself to find what you are looking for.